Nya Ideér/New Ideas
Sitter här och lyssnar på Children of Bodom's "In Your Face" och den är riktigt bra :) Gillar gitarren i början. Riktigt najs riff asså :D Iallafall så fick jag en ytterligare ide till hur jag kan föärbättra och variera och göra "21st Century Mummy" bättre, fastän den redan är bäst i världen ;) Det finns ett parti i låten (efter versen, eller om jag bara använder den en gång) där jag spelar på höga/dom tunna strängar(na) och då fick jag nu idén att man kan kanske använda fingerpicking till det, det skulle nog vara coolt, men istället för att spela på alla strängar så blirre det bara två strängar i taget max.
Well, not I'm sitting here listening to the song "In Your Face" by Children of Bodom and it's really good. :) Like the guitar in the beginning really much. An awesome riff :D Anyway, got this idea how to inprove "21st Century Mummy" to it's better, even thou it's the greatest song even written ;) Their's this part after the verse (or if I only use it in one of the verses) where I play the high/thin strings - and then this idea about using finger picking came up and I thought ''That would be pretty f**king awesome'', but then instead of playing all strings which I wrote it, I have to play max two strings a time.
Well, not I'm sitting here listening to the song "In Your Face" by Children of Bodom and it's really good. :) Like the guitar in the beginning really much. An awesome riff :D Anyway, got this idea how to inprove "21st Century Mummy" to it's better, even thou it's the greatest song even written ;) Their's this part after the verse (or if I only use it in one of the verses) where I play the high/thin strings - and then this idea about using finger picking came up and I thought ''That would be pretty f**king awesome'', but then instead of playing all strings which I wrote it, I have to play max two strings a time.